People often ask what I’ve been up to… This is what I’m doing right now:
(This is a Now page. If you have your own site, you should make one, too!)
I am in between sprees of travel to paris and prague and trying to avoid humans for just a few days to recharge my social batteries after celebrating King’s Day here in the Netherlands
Recently Completed Reads:
Books On Hold / Next Up:
Million Dollar Weekend by Noah Kagan
Waiting for some down time, to really give it the attention it deserves, but funny enough this is item #1 on his list of reasons why people don’t start
Current Exercise Routine:
Lots of walking, and got the okay from my fysio to incrementally start building up to running again. I will do my first small, short run next weekend.
Current Diet:
All thaaa fooood, but less and using the guidance from this site to help with macros and inspiration
Currently learning:
Deep into my A2 Dutch lessons. Still don’t feel very far.
Side Projects:
A site for a lot of the random things I built over the past months, including some chatbots, chrome extensions, and am now working on an app. The site itself was the real triumph, though.
If you know anyone in manufacturing and logistics in Europe, send them my way because i could use the help with a couple products.
GPTs! Chatbots!
Try out one trained on my brain by asking the little bubble down below what you would normally ask me.
Recent Travel (since last update):
Valence, FR
Paris, FR
Upcoming Travel:
Prague CR
Warsaw, PL
Antarctica (not til November)