This is a summary of recent activities from my ongoing Now page.
(What’s a Now page? If you have your own site, you should make one, too!)
I am currently back in Amsterdam after some recent travels to Rome and London and have undergone quite a bit of new furniture building.
Currently reading:
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sandson
Million Dollar Weekend by by Noah Kagan
Current Exercise Routine:
Gotten pretty good at going to the gym recently, which is also attached to an excellent spa and have just started going back to yoga after about 5 months of knee recovery
Current Diet:
All thaaa fooood
Currently learning:
Just entering my A2 dutch lessons and feeling pretty good about it
Javascript, Python, and a few other nifty languages that I’ve gotten rusty at. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out zenbot at the bottom left corner. Its trained off the data on this site and has a nasty habit of lying completely, but it’s been a fun project.
Side Projects:
A site for a lot of the random things I built over the past months, including some chatbots, chrome extensions, and am now working on an app. The site itself was the real triumph, though.
Recent Travel (since last update):
Valence, FR
Denver, CO, USA (I officiated my dear friend Brandon’s wedding)
Rome, Italy
London, UK
Paris, France
Warsaw, Poland
Upcoming Travel:
Valence, FR
Paris, FR
Warsaw, PL
Antarctica (not til November)